This is an sample web site to show you, the RentHQ user, how your own web site could work. This web site shows how to incorporate vacant properties, landlord and tenant logins, and tenant online applications.
To use this functionality, you will need to have an account for the RentHQ Property Management Software system.
Available Properties
To add the Available Properties, you would use an iFrame. The iFrame code would look something like the following. Note that the URL portion will be special for your RentHQ account. In RentHQ, go to Functions/Setup/Options screen, then to the Marketing tab to find your special URL.
<iFrame src="" Height="1000px" scrolling="no" Width="100%" />
Landlord and Tenant Logins
On the client logins page are buttons to allow landlords and tenants to log in. This is a single URL link similar to the following. The first one is for landlord logins, and the second one is for tenants. Note the URL’s also contains the company name. This should contain your company name, not ‘demo’.
<a href="" target="_blank">Landlord Login</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Tenant Login</a>
Online Applications
Online applications allows a prospective tenant to apply for a property you are renting out. These question and answer forms are created in RentHQ using the Online Applications menu option. This menu option also contains the Web Address button, which will provide you with a special URL you can use to allow prospective tenants access to that questionnaire. The URL and resulting web site link will look like the following
<a href="">Apply Now</a>