RentHQ Help
Transactions > Cashbook
The cashbook screen lists your existing bank transactions and allow the addition of new entries. This screen should exactly match the transactions displayed on your bank statement.
By default the screen starts out empty, but selection existing transactions can be done using using the filter at the top of the screen. The down arrow to the right of the load button shows additional filter criteria.
The cashbook screen lists each bank account as separate tabs. See the Bank Account screen for bank account setup information.
From the cashbook screen you can use the Add button to add income and expense transactions. Note the Disbursements to property owners is done via the Disbursement screen found under the owner menu group.
Adding new transactions
Transactions are added using the Add button on the cashbook screen.
The transaction group is a list of income groups and expense groups which have been set up via the Setup menu option. The expense groups are shown with a red icon, and income groups are shown with a green icon. Different options are shown based on the transaction type selected.
The amount is the tax inclusive (if applicable) value of the transaction. If tax is enabled for the transaction group selected, the tax amount and tax exclusive values can also be entered. These numbers are automatically calculated based on the tax rate entered on the transaction group.
The date is the date the transaction occurred, which may be different to the date it is entered into the system.
The Property is the property the transaction applies to. If the transaction does not apply to any particular property, the <General> group at the bottom of the list can be used. See also the Property screen.
The Bank Account is the account the money was placed into or taken out of. On the property details screen you can select a default bank account for that property which will speed up data entry. See also the Bank Account screen for setting up bank accounts.
The Payment Method is the tender type used e.g. cash, cheque/check, automatic payment, credit card, EFTPOS etc. See the Payment Method screen for setting up payment methods.
The reference field can be used for entering any reference number you might have such as an invoice number.
The notes field can be used for entry of any notes against this transaction.
The Payee field (expense transactions only) can be used for selecting an existing payee, or the name of a new payee can be typed into the combo box if the payee does not already exist in the list. Payees can also be managed via the Payee screen.
The Create an extra fee option (expense transactions only) is enabled for any expense group which has the option ticked to automatically create an extra fee for this transaction type. For example you may choose to charge the owner an extra 5% for all repairs organised by yourself. This tick option provides the user the ability to manually override the automatic fee on a per transaction basis.
The tenant selection (income transactions only) is used to specify which tenant the income is to be applied to. This is only visible for income groups which are used to pay back rent or pack back extra charges. By selecting the property first, the list of tenants is filtered for that property only.
If a tenant is selected (income transactions only) the Create Receipt option is provided. If this is enabled the user gets to select which format to apply. Multiple different formats can be created via the mail merge facility. For existing transactions, the Receipt button can also be pressed to reprint a receipt for the transaction. Receipts can either be printed or emailed if the tenant has a primary contact who has an email address.
Editing existing transactions.
You can select an existing transaction to edit via the cashbook screen. The edit Mode message will be shown at the bottom of the screen. If the transaction has been reconciled or disbursed to an owner already, this will also be shown. You will not be able to modify the transaction in such as way as to invalidate the reconciliation or disbursement.
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Transactions > Cashbook
The cashbook screen lists your existing bank transactions and allow the addition of new entries. This screen should exactly match the transactions displayed on your bank statement.
By default the screen starts out empty, but selection existing transactions can be done using using the filter at the top of the screen. The down arrow to the right of the load button shows additional filter criteria.
The cashbook screen lists each bank account as separate tabs. See the Bank Account screen for bank account setup information.
From the cashbook screen you can use the Add button to add income and expense transactions. Note the Disbursements to property owners is done via the Disbursement screen found under the owner menu group.
Adding new transactions
Transactions are added using the Add button on the cashbook screen.
The transaction group is a list of income groups and expense groups which have been set up via the Setup menu option. The expense groups are shown with a red icon, and income groups are shown with a green icon. Different options are shown based on the transaction type selected.
The amount is the tax inclusive (if applicable) value of the transaction. If tax is enabled for the transaction group selected, the tax amount and tax exclusive values can also be entered. These numbers are automatically calculated based on the tax rate entered on the transaction group.
The date is the date the transaction occurred, which may be different to the date it is entered into the system.
The Property is the property the transaction applies to. If the transaction does not apply to any particular property, the <General> group at the bottom of the list can be used. See also the Property screen.
The Bank Account is the account the money was placed into or taken out of. On the property details screen you can select a default bank account for that property which will speed up data entry. See also the Bank Account screen for setting up bank accounts.
The Payment Method is the tender type used e.g. cash, cheque/check, automatic payment, credit card, EFTPOS etc. See the Payment Method screen for setting up payment methods.
The reference field can be used for entering any reference number you might have such as an invoice number.
The notes field can be used for entry of any notes against this transaction.
The Payee field (expense transactions only) can be used for selecting an existing payee, or the name of a new payee can be typed into the combo box if the payee does not already exist in the list. Payees can also be managed via the Payee screen.
The Create an extra fee option (expense transactions only) is enabled for any expense group which has the option ticked to automatically create an extra fee for this transaction type. For example you may choose to charge the owner an extra 5% for all repairs organised by yourself. This tick option provides the user the ability to manually override the automatic fee on a per transaction basis.
The tenant selection (income transactions only) is used to specify which tenant the income is to be applied to. This is only visible for income groups which are used to pay back rent or pack back extra charges. By selecting the property first, the list of tenants is filtered for that property only.
If a tenant is selected (income transactions only) the Create Receipt option is provided. If this is enabled the user gets to select which format to apply. Multiple different formats can be created via the mail merge facility. For existing transactions, the Receipt button can also be pressed to reprint a receipt for the transaction. Receipts can either be printed or emailed if the tenant has a primary contact who has an email address.
Editing existing transactions.
You can select an existing transaction to edit via the cashbook screen. The edit Mode message will be shown at the bottom of the screen. If the transaction has been reconciled or disbursed to an owner already, this will also be shown. You will not be able to modify the transaction in such as way as to invalidate the reconciliation or disbursement.
- Application Question
- Asset Groups
- Assets
- Attachments
- Automatic Transactions
- Bank Accounts
- Bond/Deposit
- Business Entities
- Camera Import
- Cashbook
- Chart of Accounts
- Contacts
- Contractor Specialties
- Contractors
- Custom Fields
- Dashboard
- Database Maintenance
- Disbursements
- Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive Integration
- Equity Groups
- Expense Groups
- Extra Charges
- Extra Fees
- Graphs
- Higher Security
- How to set the date format
- Import Statement
- Income Groups
- Inspection Comments
- Inspection Rooms
- Inspection Schedule
- Inspection Templates
- Inspections
- Letters
- Liability Groups
- Mail Merge
- Mileage Log
- Mortgages
- My Account
- Notes
- Online Applications
- Options
- Owner and Tenant Logins
- Owners
- Payees
- Payment Methods
- Properties
- Prospects
- Quotes
- Reconciliation
- Reference Requests
- Rent Changes
- Rent Review
- RentHQ Help Contents
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- Scheduled Reports
- Security Logins
- SMS or TXT Messages
- Tenants
- Web Address
- Work Order Status
- Work Orders