RentHQ Help
Functions > Setup > Options
Tax rate on disbursement fees % - When calculating management fees, a transaction tax such as GST or VAT can be calculated. This is the tax rate to apply. See also Disbursements.
Mileage value per km/mile - The mileage screen is used for recording distances traveled as part of the property management business. Optionally a value can be applied per kilometre or per mile. This is used on the mileage report. See also Mileage.
Number of days notification prior to rent review date - The overview screen shows tenants with a pending rent review. This specifies how long prior to the rent review date the notification on the overview screen should be shown.
Number of days notification prior to vacancy - The overview screen shows properties where the tenant is due to move out soon. This specifies how long prior to the move out day the notification on the overview screen should be shown.
Number of days notification prior to lease expiry - The overview screen shows tenants with a lease expiry. This specifies how long prior to the lease expiry date the notification on the overview screen should be shown.
Automatically set rent review dates every X days - If this is set, the rent review date is automatically set when a tenant is first created, and also after each rent review is completed. If not set, the rent review dates will be set manually or not set at all if rent reviews are not required.
Last month of the financial year - This is the last month of the year for financial reporting purposes. This is used to automatically set date ranges on screens such as the reports screen.
Close Off Date - This is a date you can manually set. Any transaction with a date prior to this date will not be able to be deleted or edited. You will also not be able to create any new transactions with a date prior to this date. This applies to transactions in the cashbook, extra charges, extra fees and disbursements.
Company Name - The name of your company. This can also be printed automatically on all the reports.
Company address - The address of the company. This can also be printed automatically on all the reports. These fields can also be used to print other information on the reports such as tax numbers or phone numbers etc. It does not just have to be an address.
Tax Details - This can optionally be printed at the top of all owner or tenant statements or invoices. This could be something like 'GST Number: 123456' or 'VAT Number : 7654321' or whatever is applicable in your country.
Report logo - this is the image that is printed at the top of all the reports.
I need to record mortgage details in RentHQ - For people that have mortgages, turning on this feature will enable you to track those mortgages. For people who dont have any, this enables you to hide those features.
Allow tenants to see inspections online and Allow tenants to see work orders online - When a tenant logs into their account, you can optionally hide inspections and work orders from their view.
Allow landlords to see inspections online and Allow landlords to see work orders online - When a landlord logs into their account, you can optionally hide inspections and work orders from their view.
Email address - This is your email address. This is also the reply email address for all email sent out from RentHQ to tenants and owners etc.
You have the choice of using your own email address or using the RentHQ email address as the sending email address for all emails sent from RentHQ. Using the RentHQ email address requires less setup, but it is recommended you use your own email address. If you choose your own email address, you need to specify your email server details such as server, port, login name and password. You can get these details from your email provider or internet service provider.
An alternative option is to send emails via Outlook. This is only available if you have Windows and have the full version of Outlook installed on your computer and running when you try to send emails. You also need to run in a higher security mode. See Higher Security for instructions.
If you use the Send test email button, and email will be sent to your email address using the settings provided above.
Charge Late Fees - Late fees are optional and don't apply in all countries so it can be disabled. If late fees are enabled, notification will be shown on the overview screen. You will need to tell the system to apply the late fees which it calculates. This provides you with a facility to manually choose to not apply one of the fees. The late fees will not be displayed on the overview screen if late fees are not being applied.
Fee calculations. Fees can be calculated as either a fixed value or a percentage of the rent amount for each rent period they are late. There is also an optional daily charge which is specified on a per tenant basis. This is entered on the tenant details screen itself. The daily late fee is only shown on the tenant details screen if late fees have been enabled. Optionally a few days grace can be automatically allowed before the late fees start to be applied.
File Storage - The File Storage tab enables you to link your RentHQ account to your own online Dropbox or OneDrive or Google Drive account. See Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive Integration for more information
Notification - The notification tab is used to determine whether RentHQ is allowed to send you emails regarding important reminders.
You can choose to Receive a Daily new event reminder email which will contact details of new reminders such as a lease expiry or a rent review or a note you may have created with a reminder date on it. Lease expiry and rent reviews arrive prior to the actual due date based on the number of days set on the Options tab. Daily reminders will only arrive once per event.
You can also choose to receive a Weekly outstanding items reminder email. This is similar to the daily email except it only arrives once a week on a Monday, and it will continue to send reminders for the same event until it is cleared. For example if you have a rent review due, the weekly reminder will remind you of that event every week until the rent review is completed or the rent review date is changed or cleared. This is similar to the dashboard screen in RentHQ.
There is the option to send tenant and property specific reminders to the property managers. With this option set, if a property has a property manager defined, that person will receive the reminder email (if the property manager has an email address). All other emails will be sent to the email address defined.
The Xero tab is used for connecting your RentHQ account to Xero. Use the Connect to Xero button to establish the connection to Xero after entering your Xero user name and password. After the connection is established, you can link your Xero bank accounts to your RentHQ bank accounts. You can use the Disconnect from Xero button to remove the connection from RentHQ to Xero. See the Xero Integration support page for more information.
Messages The Messages tab allow you to type some text which can be used elsewhere in the software. The caption above the message text box describes where the text is used.
- Application Question
- Asset Groups
- Assets
- Attachments
- Automatic Transactions
- Bank Accounts
- Bond/Deposit
- Business Entities
- Camera Import
- Cashbook
- Chart of Accounts
- Contacts
- Contractor Specialties
- Contractors
- Custom Fields
- Dashboard
- Database Maintenance
- Disbursements
- Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive Integration
- Equity Groups
- Expense Groups
- Extra Charges
- Extra Fees
- Graphs
- Higher Security
- How to set the date format
- Import Statement
- Income Groups
- Inspection Comments
- Inspection Rooms
- Inspection Schedule
- Inspection Templates
- Inspections
- Letters
- Liability Groups
- Mail Merge
- Mileage Log
- Mortgages
- My Account
- Notes
- Online Applications
- Options
- Owner and Tenant Logins
- Owners
- Payees
- Payment Methods
- Properties
- Prospects
- Quotes
- Reconciliation
- Reference Requests
- Rent Changes
- Rent Review
- RentHQ Help Contents
- Reports
- Scanned Documents
- Scheduled Reports
- Security Logins
- SMS or TXT Messages
- Tenants
- Web Address
- Work Order Status
- Work Orders
Functions > Setup > Options
Tax rate on disbursement fees % - When calculating management fees, a transaction tax such as GST or VAT can be calculated. This is the tax rate to apply. See also Disbursements.
Mileage value per km/mile - The mileage screen is used for recording distances traveled as part of the property management business. Optionally a value can be applied per kilometre or per mile. This is used on the mileage report. See also Mileage.
Number of days notification prior to rent review date - The overview screen shows tenants with a pending rent review. This specifies how long prior to the rent review date the notification on the overview screen should be shown.
Number of days notification prior to vacancy - The overview screen shows properties where the tenant is due to move out soon. This specifies how long prior to the move out day the notification on the overview screen should be shown.
Number of days notification prior to lease expiry - The overview screen shows tenants with a lease expiry. This specifies how long prior to the lease expiry date the notification on the overview screen should be shown.
Automatically set rent review dates every X days - If this is set, the rent review date is automatically set when a tenant is first created, and also after each rent review is completed. If not set, the rent review dates will be set manually or not set at all if rent reviews are not required.
Last month of the financial year - This is the last month of the year for financial reporting purposes. This is used to automatically set date ranges on screens such as the reports screen.
Close Off Date - This is a date you can manually set. Any transaction with a date prior to this date will not be able to be deleted or edited. You will also not be able to create any new transactions with a date prior to this date. This applies to transactions in the cashbook, extra charges, extra fees and disbursements.
Company Name - The name of your company. This can also be printed automatically on all the reports.
Company address - The address of the company. This can also be printed automatically on all the reports. These fields can also be used to print other information on the reports such as tax numbers or phone numbers etc. It does not just have to be an address.
Tax Details - This can optionally be printed at the top of all owner or tenant statements or invoices. This could be something like 'GST Number: 123456' or 'VAT Number : 7654321' or whatever is applicable in your country.
Report logo - this is the image that is printed at the top of all the reports.
I need to record mortgage details in RentHQ - For people that have mortgages, turning on this feature will enable you to track those mortgages. For people who dont have any, this enables you to hide those features.
Allow tenants to see inspections online and Allow tenants to see work orders online - When a tenant logs into their account, you can optionally hide inspections and work orders from their view.
Allow landlords to see inspections online and Allow landlords to see work orders online - When a landlord logs into their account, you can optionally hide inspections and work orders from their view.
Email address - This is your email address. This is also the reply email address for all email sent out from RentHQ to tenants and owners etc.
You have the choice of using your own email address or using the RentHQ email address as the sending email address for all emails sent from RentHQ. Using the RentHQ email address requires less setup, but it is recommended you use your own email address. If you choose your own email address, you need to specify your email server details such as server, port, login name and password. You can get these details from your email provider or internet service provider.
An alternative option is to send emails via Outlook. This is only available if you have Windows and have the full version of Outlook installed on your computer and running when you try to send emails. You also need to run in a higher security mode. See Higher Security for instructions.
If you use the Send test email button, and email will be sent to your email address using the settings provided above.
Charge Late Fees - Late fees are optional and don't apply in all countries so it can be disabled. If late fees are enabled, notification will be shown on the overview screen. You will need to tell the system to apply the late fees which it calculates. This provides you with a facility to manually choose to not apply one of the fees. The late fees will not be displayed on the overview screen if late fees are not being applied.
Fee calculations. Fees can be calculated as either a fixed value or a percentage of the rent amount for each rent period they are late. There is also an optional daily charge which is specified on a per tenant basis. This is entered on the tenant details screen itself. The daily late fee is only shown on the tenant details screen if late fees have been enabled. Optionally a few days grace can be automatically allowed before the late fees start to be applied.
File Storage - The File Storage tab enables you to link your RentHQ account to your own online Dropbox or OneDrive or Google Drive account. See Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive Integration for more information
Notification - The notification tab is used to determine whether RentHQ is allowed to send you emails regarding important reminders.
You can choose to Receive a Daily new event reminder email which will contact details of new reminders such as a lease expiry or a rent review or a note you may have created with a reminder date on it. Lease expiry and rent reviews arrive prior to the actual due date based on the number of days set on the Options tab. Daily reminders will only arrive once per event.
You can also choose to receive a Weekly outstanding items reminder email. This is similar to the daily email except it only arrives once a week on a Monday, and it will continue to send reminders for the same event until it is cleared. For example if you have a rent review due, the weekly reminder will remind you of that event every week until the rent review is completed or the rent review date is changed or cleared. This is similar to the dashboard screen in RentHQ.
There is the option to send tenant and property specific reminders to the property managers. With this option set, if a property has a property manager defined, that person will receive the reminder email (if the property manager has an email address). All other emails will be sent to the email address defined.
The Xero tab is used for connecting your RentHQ account to Xero. Use the Connect to Xero button to establish the connection to Xero after entering your Xero user name and password. After the connection is established, you can link your Xero bank accounts to your RentHQ bank accounts. You can use the Disconnect from Xero button to remove the connection from RentHQ to Xero. See the Xero Integration support page for more information.
Messages The Messages tab allow you to type some text which can be used elsewhere in the software. The caption above the message text box describes where the text is used.
- Application Question
- Asset Groups
- Assets
- Attachments
- Automatic Transactions
- Bank Accounts
- Bond/Deposit
- Business Entities
- Camera Import
- Cashbook
- Chart of Accounts
- Contacts
- Contractor Specialties
- Contractors
- Custom Fields
- Dashboard
- Database Maintenance
- Disbursements
- Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive Integration
- Equity Groups
- Expense Groups
- Extra Charges
- Extra Fees
- Graphs
- Higher Security
- How to set the date format
- Import Statement
- Income Groups
- Inspection Comments
- Inspection Rooms
- Inspection Schedule
- Inspection Templates
- Inspections
- Letters
- Liability Groups
- Mail Merge
- Mileage Log
- Mortgages
- My Account
- Notes
- Online Applications
- Options
- Owner and Tenant Logins
- Owners
- Payees
- Payment Methods
- Properties
- Prospects
- Quotes
- Reconciliation
- Reference Requests
- Rent Changes
- Rent Review
- RentHQ Help Contents
- Reports
- Scanned Documents
- Scheduled Reports
- Security Logins
- SMS or TXT Messages
- Tenants
- Web Address
- Work Order Status
- Work Orders